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Poker Protocol and Etiquette

Poker Protocol and Etiquette

Why is Poker Protocol so important?

Most of you are probably used to playing poker at home. It is pretty informal and there aren’t a lot of rules, but hey. The casino has a few rules you just have to follow unless you want to end up getting moved away from the action. The house rules are enforced strictly and it is always applied. The other players and the dealers will expect you to adhere poker protocol and etiquette that is enforced to prevent cheating and unnecessarily  slowing down the game. Most of the people you encounter will be quite pleasant and nice but money still brings the devil. Some people will just be rude and short-tempered. Follow the following rules for poker protocol and you will save yourself the embarrassment and maybe even a bit of money.

Here are some basic poker protocol and etiquette rules:

  •  Games move efficiently and quickly. Don’t get involved in conversations or other social acts. Be ready when it’s your turn.
  • If you have a question or doubt about what’s going on, imply say “time”, ask your question and make your decision. Don’t abuse this option and don’t throw money away just so that other players stop glaring at you. Time is a part of the poker protocol which allows struggling players to ask for clarity.
  • Always make your intentions clear by stating your action verbally. If this piece of the poker protocol is not followed, your bet or cards may be fouled.
  • Any verbal statement is binding. Remember that it must be within the rules and you have to stick with it.
  • Pay attention to what’s happening so that you don’t make mistakes or act out of turn. A simple verbal statement can put players at an advantage or disadvantage and they may even voice their concerns.
  • Don’t fold when the betting has been checked to you. You might have the worst hand ever but you should only fold due to someone else’s bet. If you do fold for that reason alone, players will get an unfair advantage.
  • You are not allowed to rearrange your cards as in seven-card stud poker. The sequence of the cards give information to other players and it shouldn’t be tampered with.
  • Do not use a check-raise even once in a poker match. In many home games it’s considered devious and underhanded. Players may even voice their concerns. It is legal in some casinos but nowadays they offer beginner games in order to stop the usage of this move.
  • Be careful not to use a string raise. A string raise is characterized by calling a bet while placing your chips and reaching back for more chips in order to make a raise. Poker Protocol states that move is completely banned from casinos. It gives the player an unfair advantage because he can evaluate the the reactions of the opponents.
  • Don’t put your chips directly into the pot. The players and dealers will not be able to keep track of your bet. Rather put your chips in a neat stack in front of you so that the dealer can take move it into the bot when the round of betting is completed.
  • You are responsible for your own cards during a game. Ass with all the other card games, your cards must be above and on the table at all times. Your hand will be fouled if other cards get mixed up with your. Even a misplaced card can be headed to the discards.
  • Cards can actually speak for themselves during a match. f you are at a showdown and you are unsure of your hand value, turn your cards face-up and the dealer will determine your hand value. Be aware that they can make mistakes. If you believe you have a higher value, tell the dealer before he collects the cards.
  • You can discard your hand during the showdown if you don’t want other players to know the value of the hand. Sometimes poker protocol states thatthe casino may require the disclosure of the hand but it rarely happens.
  • Never trust a player’s declarations during a showdown. Anyone can make a mistake so don’t just fold if he says he has a better hand than you.
  • It is customary for the winner of a pot to give the dealer a tip. Fifty cents or a dollar is sometimes appropriate but with increased living costs, you might want to tip more. Huge wins might make you feel a bit more generous. Some players and pros won’t tip the dealer because the decision may make financial sense. Dealers actually get the most of their income from tips.
  • Poker rooms and casinos are not really made for non-smokers. Just be aware that poker protocol and etiquette usually rules that two seats on the left and the right of the dealer are non-smoking.
  • Poker protocol and etiquette will allow you to take a break from a poker game but it is usually for about an hour. Ask the dealer how long you can vacate your seat. If you do take a break, the dealer will place  a marker on your spot to reserve it for you. Please note that after the time limit has passed, your seat will be given away but your chips will still be there for you.